Monday, February 2, 2009

Dropping The Sails

We had a beautiful and calm evening on anchor Saturday night ~ our last night out in an anchorage with no one else around. We were wind blown after the trip up the Indian River and went to bed early. I slept the best I had in weeks. No lines creeking between boats, no lights from the marina, no dingy engine noises ~ just the spray noise from the dolphins feeding. We were up early to get ready to head in the residential canals to move the boat to the home of Burt and Crystal " " . We had to open the jib all the way to drop it to the deck - Tiller was full of himself. Running around and around the deck sensing his world was changing. He loved the tunnels in folds of the sail. We went through the Mathers bridge to top off our tanks at the marina and pick up Crystal who would guide us through the canals about 5 miles to their home. It was fascinating seeing the houses and going through 2 very small bridges . We arrived at the dock and Burt was there to greet us. Don eased in and we ran aground just a we expected to about 5 or 6 feet from the dock. The water is very low right now.

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