We are supposed to wiggle our dingy in between the other boats who were supposed to leave the line (painter) tied to the dock at least a boat length long so that boat will pull out into the canal while we get close enough to unload and load. We are always carrying something - garbage, laundry, groceries,computers,water jugs. Hardly a trip is wasted without thinking about what has to come off or on the boat. Many boaters do not leave a long line and it's a real pain in the #$%@ - it's hard enough being fairly agile and getting in and out of these dingys. Many of these cruisers are not agile and it makes for great people watching. The wonderful thing is after a trip tot own the bus stops right at the dingy dock - doesn't get better than that.
Yesterday someone - obviously new - left their motor in the up position and tied his boat in the bow and the stern causing several problems. The first is he took up enough space for 3 or 4 boats and the second is his motor had this wing like thing on it sticking out just ripe for scratching the side of our hard dingy or puncturing one of the rubber dingies. You hate to touch someone elses property but one guy left them and note on the only scrap of paper he had - part of an empty soda carton and Don got in the dingy and put the guys' motor down. It's a bit of a dance to share the dock, the small "lounge" , the showers, the laundry and it works well when everyone is upbeat and helpful and follows the few protocols but we have noticed there are a few really unhappy people out here and dingy dock doesn't bring out their most charming side. (Funny thing I have noticed those few are often women - hmmm maybe this cruising life wasn't their idea!) :) Now don't take that too seriously - read the next blog !!
its cold here
4 degrees this morning
hope its warm there
Hi 40's so not warm considering this open cockpit boat - but our heater is finally working and the sun is out and it's below zero in maine! so all in all - all is well ! x0M
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