Monday, March 22, 2010

The Florida you have never seen

~RockHouse Creek 842.2 ~ We love this place - what a gorgeous anchorage. Yesterday afternoon it rained for about 3 hours while Don slept - I read - wanting to make a few calls but didn't want to wake Don so I just kept watch in case the storm got too bad.  Around 5 it stopped and though colder it was gorgeous . It's impossible with my point and shoot camera to do this place justice.  Our view through the creek and into the inlet is as close as I have been to sitting on the yacht club beach in Wellfleet and looking at Great Island. As the tide goes out several very large sand flats are left. In our view we can see nothing but marsh, sand, water, the waves hitting the sea wall at the ocean's inlet  and dolphins - many many dolphins.  The light after the rain was gorgeous. Cape Cod soft. As the sun went down there was just a few minutes that the white sand actually had a light green tint.  The dolphins were feeding such a frenzy they created a fairly large wake. Just to the left of my photo was a really unattractive boat so I couldn't get a full view zoomed in.  This morning we called the Halifax Yacht Club in Daytona ( aka the Taj Mahal ) where we were going to dock for a couple of nights for just $24. a night.  No luck - they didn't have room - YEAH! We get to spend the day here.  We launched the dingy, packed a picnic and headed for the beach.
It was getting quite windy - but we headed for the beach to the right of the inlet anyway.  We thought if we walked around the bluff we would be out of the wind. No luck. We ate lunch and realized the wind was picking up so we decided to get back across the open water towards the creek side. Trouble was the fetch was big enough that we had a heck of a time getting the dingy launched back into the water.  We had to put Don in the middle, have him start rowing for his life  though we were hardly making any headway - when we got deep enough I could put the motor down and get us safely across. Don was so mad at himself because his instinct had told him not to cross with all the wind and the current the inlet causes.  He knew I wanted to go to the ocean so off we went.  When we got safely back to the creek side we went down a smaller side creek to a beautiful beach - out of the wind - what we should have done in the first place.  We at least had done everything else right - we had life jackets, one phone, the hand held radio,a whistle and our oars. We just got a little wet but that is far from a first.  A healthy respect of the wind and the tide against our 8' Fatty Knees dingy is always a good thing.
 A very windy afternoon - we'll head to Daytona tomorrow to anchor in the river to position ourselves for the tricky run to St. Augustine.

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