You just never know what you will see out here. We had a nice and pretty easy day from mile Hammock Bay to Wrightsville Beach. We lucked out with the current all the way and arrived by 12:15 – an hour and a half less than it took us last year.
Coming out of mile hammock was a little tricky. We got up at 5AM to leave at first light which here is about 6 – 6:15 but we did not want to be first. Others were up and waiting and not wanting to be first as well. Finally a beautiful boat called a Cabo Rico – headed out at about 6:35 – we followed a second Cabo Rico and a 40’ boat followed us. The lead boat ended up being quite a ways ahead of the 3 of us. On the first corner there are 3 red markers – they need to stay on the right – at the same time you need to make a long sweeping turn to the left – it’s confusing because there are also green markers on the right but they mark a different channel. The boat in front of us was confused and I was on deck with the binoculars trying to sort out the numbers so we would take the markers in order. A boater came on the radio and gave guidance – I think it was a motorboat we saw in the other channel. After we got around the corner safely in about 7 feet of water - we knew we were to get back in the middle of the perceived channel. This can be tricky because if we are in a body of water – a ¼ mile wide – the ICW channel may only be yards wide. Sometimes we have green and red markers yards apart and sometimes ½ mile or more. Sometimes we are to go near the markers and sometimes stay off. All part of the challenge and information sharing amongst boaters travelling the same route. Moments later Don noticed the lead boat sideways in the channel – he was too far to the red but was able to back himself off. It made it easy for the rest of us to figure out where to go - or where not to go !
Beautiful sunny day in Wrightsville - we took a long walk at the ocean and head to Tower 7 for dinner at 5:00 – Monday night - $1.00 tacos and $1.00 PBR’s (pabst blue ribbon) - $12.00 later We had had a great meal. Tonight we will eat there as well and treat ourselves to their $2.00 fish taco special !! The owner was a life guard in Hawaii and his post was Tower 7 – they show surf movies on the big screen – fun place – inexpensive even at regular price and really good food. I think our 6th time eating there.
Today – a down day – cool – the cabin was 52 when we got up ~ but the sun is bright. We walked to the yacht club for a shower using our reciprocal privileges; getting a little work done , will take another beach walk and get to be early for our day tomorrow – we had hoped to go out the Cape Fear river and into the ocean but the weather once again is not right so we’ll stick to the ICW as we want to keep moving. Our friends Greg and Michelle are once again anchored next to us – they stayed in Beaufort and extra day – spent overnight on the ocean to get here at 7 AM today. Off to Little River South Carolina !……..Margaret
Heron is boat farthest to left
Hmmm, that's either a lot of tacos or a lot of PBR. Sounds like the trip is moving smoothly. - Molly
Hi Molly - glad you are folloiwng us - don't and generous tip !!:)xxoolove, Marg
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